Monday, June 9, 2014

Summer Fun List

School is out and the celebration of summer has officially begun.

We plan to spend this summer just relaxing.  I've lessened some of my summer responsibilities so I can fully enjoy time with my family.  We plan to do lots of reading, enjoy Sonic's Happy Hour, and not have every single day planned out.

We already started the summer with a slumber party.  The kids used the chaise lounges in my bedroom as their "beds".  We watched a couple movies, ate popcorn, and stayed up late.  Thankfully, we were also able to sleep in the next day...which resulted in waking up at 6:30. Ha!  We'll work on it.

Of course, the whole family worked on our annual Summer Fun List for this year and it's already posted on the fridge.

Some things to check off this summer includes:  buy a new board game, attend a baseball game, summer movie camp, go out for breakfast, make homemade ice cream, and visit the ocean.  We are all excited to complete our list and gain new memories.

What do you have planned for this summer?

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