Monday, January 14, 2013


Source: via Amy on Pinterest

That sign just makes me laugh!!!!  To go along with it, here is an old book that gives helpful hints about doing household chores, all while wearing a dress and pearls.

Source: via Katie on Pinterest

Or how about being excited over receiving a vaccuum cleaner as a present?  Actually, I did get excited over a recent purchase of a vaccuum cleaner, but have yet to use it.

Why haven't I used it?  Because my husband does all the vaccuuming and he said it works great! 

What chores do you just dread doing?  Dishes?

The never ending pile of laundry?

Scrubbing toilets?

Source: via Lyndsay on Pinterest

I could easily say I can't stand doing any of the above listed chores, but I would be lying.  I am very fortunate to split the chores with a husband that works long hours but still pitches in at home. He makes me coffee every morning, does all the ironing, cleans our 3 bathrooms and vaccuums our entire house.  He'll also pitch in and do some laundry and dishes when it's been a tough day or I've had a busy schedule.  LOVE HIM!!!!

The chores I do myself, I try to get done early in the day and as quickly as possible.  I make lists all the time because it feels good to check things off.  Once I've completed my tasks, then I allow myself to do things that I enjoy.

One chore I seem to never enjoy is the laundry.  It's not too bad to stick them in the washer and dryer, it's the folding and putting away that I never want to do.  However, my kids are now old enough to put away their own clothes so that is a huge bonus!

So what chores do you absolutely dread and how can you get it done quickly?  Do you do everything yourself or does your family pitch in as well?  Whatever way it works in your family, I encourage you to find a way to reward yourself when it's all done.  Find something that will inspire you to get it done.  Perhaps a dress and pearls is all you need!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Kitchen Sink Platter

I attend a MOPS group once a month at my church.  It's a great organization and we always have such a great time at each meeting.  We also do a different craft each month (which I love!) and this month's craft was so easy to make and multi-functional.  

My friend, Susan, was in charge of gathering supplies for this craft she was going to teach to the ladies.  She headed to our local Ikea store and picked up some clear glass plates and candle holders for $.99 each.  She measured different colored fabric around the plate and then cut it out using pinking shears.  It gives the edge of the circle a nice design without looking plain.

Grab your plate and cover the bottom with a layer of Mod Podge.  Place your circle over the Mod Podge before it dries and smooth out the fabric.  Next, cover the circle with another layer of Mod Podge.  Be sure to cover the edges very well so you don't have fabric hanging off.  Let it dry.

Finally, glue your candle holder into the center.  These are smaller candle holders that you can double to give height.  I used E-600 glue, but super glue would probably work just as well.

You could easily flip it over and use the stand as a very pretty cake platter.  I've done similar platters with just a decorative plate and candle holder, but never tried fabric before.

However, I saw on Pinterest a way to organize the clutter along your kitchen sink is to use a platter of some sort.  So, I gathered my kitchen supplies that are always sitting out...

...and put them on my new platter!  It will be easy to clean and keeps everything in one place.  I love it!!!  You could also use it by a bathroom sink or tub. Thanks for the craft today, Susan!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Be Inspired's been awhile.  And it's a new year with new beginnings.  Again.

I dropped off last fall because I became so busy and did not get to do any creating.

But I was inspired.

I find inspiration in the littlest details and continue to do so.

The perfect flower bloom reminds me of God's beauty.  My children's laughter reminds me of God's miracles.  A delicious meal reminds me of God's provision.

It is inspiring.

I find inspiration in everything.

And I hope as I blog on here or on my family blog, that you too will be inspired and find inspiration in even the littlest details.